jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020


Is the long-term rise in the average temperature of Earth's climate system.

Since the industrial revolution, the temperature of the earth has increased rapidly due to the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels - oil, gas and coal, the removal of forests and contamination. These emissions impact the global climate balance causing adverse effects on the conditions for the survival of life on the planet.

The anticipated effects include an increase in global temperatures, a change in rainfall patterns, and an expansion of subtropical deserts.
the poles melt, the sea level rises and the coastal populations are affected. Agriculture suffers and jeopardizes food security. The climatic phenomena are more intense, frequent and unpredictable. According to the UN, Colombia is the third country in the world most vulnerable to climate change.
La producción de trigo y maíz a nivel mundial se ha visto afectado por el cambio climático. Pese a que la productividad agrícola se ha incrementado en algunas regiones de latitudes medias, como el Reino Unido y el noreste de China, las pérdidas económicas debidas a fenómenos meteorológicos extremos han aumentado a nivel mundial. Ha tenido una mortalidad limitada al cambio de frío a calor en algunas regiones como resultado del calentamiento. Sus efectos se observan en más regiones que antes, en todos los continentes y a lo largo de las zonas oceánicas.

Due to the increase in ocean temperatures, fish and crustaceans have decreased and, therefore, have also affected seabirds due to lack of food.
Resultado de imagen para Puffin

Sea turtle
Sea turtles are already under threat due to certain fishing practices and litter in the oceans, but now climate change is affecting them even more.

Resultado de imagen para sea turtle

American pike
This  rodent that lives in the states of Oregon and Nevada has had to survive extreme conditions. Rising temperatures are especially difficult to bear because of the pike, as exposure to just 25 years could kill them.

Resultado de imagen para Pica americana

Snow Leopard
This feline has long been on the list of endangered species.
Poaching is still a threat to the big cat, but so is climate change, as temperatures rise and mountain ecosystems change.

Resultado de imagen para Snow Leopard